Portada Wheelies 1: Let's put on our skates!

Wheelies 1: Let's put on our skates!

Publishing date:26/05/2020


Starting high school isn’t easy, but Lira’s got it all planned out. Problem is, nothing turns out the way she hopes: her best friend won’t talk to her, and the first day, she ends up in the principal’s office. But to her surprise, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to her. There she meets Jimena, and Lira doesn’t hesitate to propose she try out a new after-school activity: an artistic roller skating league that will change their lives. For ages nine and up.

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Publishing date: 26/05/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-22466-2

Pages: 248

Imprint: Destino Infantil & Juvenil


A young tandem of authors with major presence: texts by Laia Soler and illustrations by Mily Koey (58k followers on Instagram).

The author is a great fan of skating and practices it herself, so the books are full of figures, inside allusions, and tips from the skating world.