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Portada When There Are No More Stars Left to Count
Portada When There Are No More Stars Left to Count

When There Are No More Stars Left to Count

Publishing date:25/08/2021


A tender self-discovery story with the charm of Under the Tuscan Sun.

Since she was very young, Maya has sacrificed body and soul for ballet. She works as a soloist in the National Dance Company and the most prestigious ballets have set their eyes on her. However, a grave accident will put an end to her promising future. The only world Maya knows has collapsed. She is unable to dance professionally again and must face pain, frustration and guilt. To make things worse, her grandmother who has guided her in every step, unable to fulfill her dream, has totally disengaged from her and blames her for what has happened. Now more than ever her mother’s absence weighs heavier. She has no home or family. But, by chance she discovers of a photograph that changes the course of her life. In this photograph her mother appears with a young man, with whom she has a strong resemblance. With nothing to lose, she decides to quest for more information about this man. On impulse, she travels to Italy to meet him. She endeavors in a trip that will change her life completely.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 25/08/2021

ISBN: 978-84-08-24587-2

Pages: 472

Imprint: Crossbooks

Rights sold

Corbaccio (Italy), Zero a Oito (Portugal) and Destek Yayinlari (Turkey).


Beyond the romantic story between its main characters, this novel talks about the importance of loving and knowing oneself as the best way of fighting for your dreams no matter what people think.

Where There Are No More Stars Left to Count is a story of overcoming and self-discovery.