Portada Where Can I Rent a Spring?

Where Can I Rent a Spring?

Publishing date:3/02/2015


Recently divorced, Alicia has left behind a very comfortable life to live with her children in a tower block in a working class neighbourhood in Madrid. Sad and overwhelmed, she just about manages to work up the energy to make it from day to day.

However, she will soon find herself caught up in her neighbours’ hectic and extraordinary lives: Ángeles, who won’t let anything get the better of her, Fernando, a young man about to be both out of work and out of education, Rodrigo, whose career has been cut short by the crisis and is traumatised by a mother who never loved him... And at the centre of all their lives, Arturo, the oldest of them all, with the most secrets too. The impossible friendship between Alicia and Arturo will be the opening act in a movement that will change their lives forever.

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Publishing date: 3/02/2015

ISBN: 978-84-270-4163-9

Pages: 304

Imprint: Ediciones Martínez Roca


The best anti-all-kinds-of-crisis recipe there is: an upbeat, realistic, and intelligent message with a wonderful sense of humour.

More than a novel, this is somewhere you’ll want to live forever.