Portada Wherever the Arrow Lands
Portada Wherever the Arrow Lands

Wherever the Arrow Lands

Publishing date:15/05/2024


We all think we know how we would react if we found out something terrible. Until it happens to us.

This novel presents a new installment of the adventures of Socorro, the crime journalist and protagonist of La mala víctima, the authors' debut in narrative fiction. The intrigue centers around the Manchegan estate of her protectors, the wealthy and influential Lequerica sisters, owners of the newspaper where Socorro works.

The young woman must return to this location to complete a report on unsolved crimes: in the 1990s, near the estate, two girls were kidnapped and later murdered, which sparked a wave of sensationalism fueled by the media of the time. Only one man was convicted of this crime, the village idiot, who committed suicide as soon as he was released from prison. There remained a lingering suspicion that the true culprits managed to escape.

As Socorro advances with her investigations, the Lequerica sisters organize several hunts attended by some of the most powerful businessmen in the country. Throughout the season, events unfold that will shed light on that past crime and cast many shadows over the present state of the newspaper. Once again, Socorro's ethical code, her unresolved past debts, and her desire to uncover the truth will be put in conflict.

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Publishing date: 15/05/2024

ISBN: 978-84-670-7173-3

Pages: 360

Imprint: Espasa
