Portada Who Am I?
Publishing date:19/11/2019


A journey of self-knowledge and paradigm shifting.

Taking the path of spiritual development implies a process of self-knowledge. And to achieve this a key question must be asked: Who am I? Putting all our efforts in solving this doubt will be the fundamental tool to achieve it. And this book will be your best ally to embare on this new path.

Each chapter will open doors that will lead to your own inner answers and will bring you advice and practical tools. You will understand such topics as your vibratory nature, what it means to be spiritual, time as a state of consciousness, the physical senses and the traps they set, spiritual abundance, eternity, and much more. All that from an elevated perspective that will lead you to an authentic inner “quantum leap.” Every new step will lead you to see life from a new, much higher level of consciousness further and further from the chains that bind you to the material realm and its limitations.

This book will help make you a being more conscious of yourself, living a happy life in the material world, with your head in the clouds, but your feet on the ground.

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Publishing date: 19/11/2019

ISBN: 978-84-120506-3-9

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


The more you know yourself, the better you will know the universe and the spiritual laws that operate in it.