Portada Why Cities Cry

Why Cities Cry

Publishing date:15/01/2019


Ada is a Spanish girl, twenty-eight years old, who lives in Copenhagen. She left Madrid years ago fleeing her life and her family there. She leads a normal life with her girlfriend Nadine and her dog Clara, but she feels permanently unsettled and has to take Lexatin to face her day-to-day life. Her two refuges are writing and her friendship with Denis, her best friend and soul mate from childhood. Gay like her, he is the perfect accomplice: he writes, like her, and he too left Spain, where he lived with his aunt after being abandoned by his parents, for Japan.

The novel begins with Ada forced to fly to Japan to bury Denis, who has committed suicide. Consumed by bottomless grief, Ada travels through a country unknown and ungraspable for her, trying to understand Denis’s reasons for killing himself. While there, Ada will discover secrets, not only about Denis, but about herself, and will learn the lesson her friend taught her: to save a life, you must learn what makes the cities cry. 


Highlights Why Cities Cry

A novel for the nineties generation. 

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Publishing date: 15/01/2019

ISBN: 978-84-9998-712-5

Pages: 160

Imprint: Temas de Hoy


A novel of feelings, a poetic narrative about lovelessness, about accepting oneself, about the fear of disappointing expectations and the frustration of not achieving happiness when we think that should be our life’s goal.