Portada Wild West

Wild West

Publishing date:5/04/2018


A 40 years-old journalist, Nico Blavatsky, his love life in shambles, begins an investigation into presumed economic crimes. The paper he works for is having problems: gifts and favors given to upper management by people in high places dictate the information readers receive. Soon Nico will find himself immersed in a plot involving the mafia and politicians, with shady characters whose top priority is making easy money.

Juan Tallón has written a novel that ends up being a landscape, in a way demolishing, but also necessary, of power in all its forms, with an undeniable literary talent that shines in each of its pages and in each of its characters.


Highlights Wild West

Wild West is a novel about the irruption, the splendor and decadence of a generation of politicians and businessmen who appropriated a country, and how the press reacted to the deployment of such power.

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Publishing date: 5/04/2018

ISBN: 978-84-670-5203-9

Pages: 624

Imprint: Espasa
