Portada With My Little Hands
Portada With My Little Hands

With My Little Hands

Publishing date:23/01/2020


The ultimate book on the world's biggest trend in baby feedy: Baby-Led Weaning (BLW).

BLW (Baby-Led Weaning) or “on-demand complementary feeding” is a fun, natural, and respectful way to incorporate solid food into babies’ diets without passing through the phase of purees and baby foods, letting them eat on their own using their hands.

This book contains many simple recipes that are rich and healthy for the whole family and will ease your organization of your day, freeing you from the need to prepare different foods and saving you a great deal of time.

You will also find useful information and advice that will help you begin Baby-Led Weaning with confidence and self-assurance.

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Publishing date: 23/01/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-21893-7

Pages: 224

Imprint: Zenith
