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Portada With the Body in Mind

With the Body in Mind

Publishing date:20/10/2021


Know your brain, understand your emotions and take care of your mental well-being

Dr. Rosa Molina, psychiatrist and neuroscientist proposes a new approach to the importance of our body when it comes to understanding our emotions and taking care of our emotional well-being.

Did you know that feeling butterflies in your stomach, having a lump in your throat or feeling like your head is going to explode are not just catch phrases?  They are real sensations that are triggered in different parts of our body every time we experience an emotion, whether it is anger, sadness or joy, and they are as real as the pain of pancreatitis.

According to Dr. Rosa Molina, all our experiences, emotions and feelings are first of all produced in the body and psychic suffering is often only released through physical pain.

With the Body in Mind is a guide that teaches you to understand your emotions through what your body expresses and offers you the keys to regulate your moods, enhance your creativity or make better decisions and thus achieve greater mental and emotional well-being.


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Publishing date: 20/10/2021

ISBN: 978-84-493-3862-5

Pages: 384

Imprint: Ediciones Paidós


Dr. Rosa Molina proposes a new approach to the importance of our body when it comes to understanding our emotions and taking care of our emotional well-being.

Rosa Molina proposes a radical change in the way we understand our emotions and argues that in order to enjoy good mental health we must first listen to our body.

This book is a guide to understanding the "map of the body's emotions" and shows us that learning to decipher the emotions we experience in our body can help us in making decisions and improving our emotional well-being.