Portada Your Anxiety Under Control
Portada Your Anxiety Under Control
Publishing date:14/09/2022


A guide to understanding it and not letting it dominate you

Many people suffer from anxiety-related problems, which are currently one of the most frequent reasons for attending therapy. Anxiety in itself is not bad, it’s an inborn human trait with a clear function: to put us on alert and prepare us for possible danger. The problem comes when this mechanism gets out of control and anxiety appears for no reason or refuses to go away, preventing us from living our lives normally and fully.

What matters is that we know how to find the way to keep it at bay and prevent it from dominating us when it appears. In this book, Tais Pérez Domínguez and Sergio García Morilla, experts in anxiety and depression with more than thirteen years of clinical experience, offer us a practical and concrete guide to learn to manage anxiety and stop suffering from it. With the information in these pages, we will understand what really happens to us when we feel anxiety and why it occurs as well as the appropriate strategies to manage and control it.

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Publishing date: 14/09/2022

ISBN: 978-84-08-26092-9

Pages: 288

Imprint: Zenith
