Portada You're a Supermum

You're a Supermum

Publishing date:12/04/2016


From now on, you’re a certified Supermum!

Scientific studies have shown that mothers are exceptional human beings who, among many other things, can predict the future, make miraculous cold-curing soups and read their children’s minds even when they’re miles and miles away.

If you know a mother capable of doing three thousand things at once without losing patience or panicking, don’t hesitate: give her this book to certify her as a SUPERMUM!

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Publishing date: 12/04/2016

ISBN: 978-84-08-15308-5

Pages: 64

Imprint: Zenith


Scientific studies show that you’re the best mother in the world (although I already knew that).

This book is an homage to all the mothers in the world and their superpowers.