Retrato de  Alicia Giménez Bartlett

Alicia Giménez Bartlett

Alicia Giménez Bartlett was born in Almansa (Albacete) in 1951. She studied Spanish Philology at the Universidad de Valencia and received a doctorate in Spanish Literature from the Universitat de Barcelona.

She published her first novel in 1984, Exit (Seix Barral). Una habitación ajena (1997) won her the first literary award: the Premio Femenino Lumen.

In the nineties, she created the character of Petra Delicado, the popular inspector who has so far featured in nine books and a television series. The books have been translated into several languages and enjoyed great success in different countries, including Italy and Germany. She has won prestigious prizes such as the Grinzane Cavour in Italy and the Raymond Chandler in Switzerland.

She has also written several non-fiction books. In 2011 she won the Premio Nadal for her work Donde nadie te encuentre.