Retrato de  Eva Hausmann

Eva Hausmann

Eva Hausmann is a chef, gastronomic stylist and consultant in culinary trends. Trained in cooking and pastry at the prestigious Hofmann School of Hospitality in Barcelona, she is an expert in the development of gastronomic concepts and advisor for the food industry, the hospitality industry, retail and publishing. She is also a promoter of the HSH (Happy, Strong, Healthy) philosophy and Mediterranean cuisine and lifestyle.

She is a regular speaker at events related to the sector and has published seven books as co-author or gastronomic stylist. She also provides important training for different companies, and has served as gastronomic director of several spaces, designing and coordinating catering for events.

As a gastronomic content manager for prestigious companies, she develops her full potential as a gastro stylist, understanding and transmitting the importance of image for the hospitality industry in today’s interconnected world of social networks.