Portada Anatomy of Emotions
Publishing date:17/11/2021


Emotions and feelings are linked, but they are not the same thing. Emotions are wild; feelings are conscious. Alejandra G. Remón, an exceptional guide, takes us on a fascinating journey under the skin and invites us to discover and rediscover ourselves, to feel and to feel ourselves. In an honest, accurate and poetic way, the author who dazzled us with When No One Looks explores the intense world of emotions to show us all the reasons to observe life beyond, far beyond, what our eyes see.

Intimacy, collage, and illustrations: this ambitious book by Alejandra G. Remón will dazzle her fans and add new followers to her creative universe.


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Publishing date: 17/11/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18820-12-0

Pages: 224

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


“To dive into this book is to look in the mirror and find forgotten edges and corners full of beauty.”

Alice Kellen


“The sigh after the caress. This book is a beating heart.”

Sara Búho