Portada Despite Everything, I Think of You

Despite Everything, I Think of You

Publishing date:26/05/2020


The first fiction story by Alejandra G. Remón

Alejandra G. Remón returns with her first fiction story: a fascinating epistolary novel suffused with her inner world. A timeless long-distance love relationship between two characters who seduce each other through written words and seem to live in a dimension more dreamlike than real. All accompanied by the artist’s unique photographs, in an inimitable style that will not disappoint her many fans.

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Publishing date: 26/05/2020

ISBN: 978-84-17858-83-4

Pages: 192

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores



Vídeos sobre Despite Everything, I Think of You

Booktrailer «A pesar de todo, te pienso» de Alejandra G. Remón | Lunwerg Editores