Portada Around The World In 80 Cemeteries

Around The World In 80 Cemeteries

Publishing date:6/02/2018


Around the World in 80 Cemeteries is a stroll through the most important cemeteries in the world. Its pages will take you through the most important cemeteries in the world, recounting the bizarre incidents that have occurred there. In a pleasant, simple, and deft tone, Around the World in 80 Cemeteries will take us through La La Madeleine in France, Hólavallagarður in Reykjavík, The Jewish Cemetery in Prague, and the Vatican grottoes, among others.

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Publishing date: 6/02/2018

ISBN: 978-84-16694-95-2

Pages: 480

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


Let yourself be surprised by the most important cemeteries in the world, discovering the most interesting trivia and the remarkable stories that have taken place in them.