Portada Bye-bye to bad vibes (For girls in a hurry)

Bye-bye to bad vibes (For girls in a hurry)

Publishing date:25/09/2018


If you lead a “Tetris life” in which you no longer know where to fit the pieces, if your list of things to be done doesn’t stop growing and the answer to all your WhatsApps is “sorry, I’m very busy”, this book is for you.

We’ll help you to stop thinking you’re a disaster, to believe in yourself a little more, to be a little less overwhelmed by everything and to organize yourself to make everything a lot easier.

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Publishing date: 25/09/2018

ISBN: 978-84-08-19336-4

Pages: 96

Imprint: Zenith


A new series born to become young women's reference works for wellbeing, health, fashion, beauty, love and sex.