Portada Great Hair For Girls In A Hurry

Great Hair For Girls In A Hurry

Publishing date:10/09/2019


Smooth, curly, wavy, dark… Whatever kind you have, you deserve great hair. And this is your book.

The love-hate relationship between you and your hair probably boils down to one thing: you don’t know it. It’s spent years up there like an idiot, protecting you from the cold and sun and pigeon droppings, and you have never really paid attention to it. One day you go crazy and just put it up into a bun to hide away the dilemmas it presents. But if you read this manual, not only will you get along with your hair, you will even enjoy it and will manage to get control of it, no matter how rebellious it is.

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Publishing date: 10/09/2019

ISBN: 978-84-08-21386-4

Pages: 96

Imprint: Zenith
