Portada Dancing Together
Portada Dancing Together

Dancing Together

Publishing date:19/05/2020


The hidden face of love in the couple and in the family.

Joan Garriga has tried to reveal here the universal facets of the dark side of love that we will have to face at some point in our lives—the impact of violence, the presence of ghosts from the past, unequal love, the loss of a child, communication problems, infidelity, death… He does this through conceptual reflections and a practical explanation of real cases he himself has dealt with in therapy and familial settings, trying in this way to draw out the invisible from the visible, to bring darkness into the light, and to understand in this way what is happening in love’s dark side.

Through numerous cases and practical examples, Joan Garriga shows us what are the background dynamics, the unconscious ones, that help us understand what is happening on the surface and in the heart of a couple: how the members relate to one another, what they need to understand and let go, what ties are guiding them, how they can manage to be good together, why this happens, how to get over problems and what makes them arise.

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Publishing date: 19/05/2020

ISBN: 978-84-233-5747-5

Pages: 192

Imprint: Ediciones Destino

Rights sold

Eksmo (Russia).
