Portada Dark Tourism

Dark Tourism

Publishing date:28/05/2019


A journey to the dark side.

“The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science.”

  (Albert Einstein)

Did you know there is a bridge in Scotland that makes all the dogs that approach it jump off, or that in the USA you can do a tour following the footsteps of Jeffrey Dahmer, the butcher of Milwaukee?

Did you know that in Tanzania there is a poisonous lake, or that Sidney is home of the museum of the world’s most repulsive diseases?

Dark Tourism includes cities, museums, cemeteries, hospitals, catacombs, islands, prisons, forests, crossing five continents to explore places associated with death, mystery, or abandon, whose eerie magnetism traps hundreds of visitors each year.

A book that reveals the motivations and impulses that lead society to try and discover the most shadowy side of humanity.

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Publishing date: 28/05/2019

ISBN: 978-84-17371-74-6

Pages: 224

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga

Rights sold

Nanfan Chlayuan (Taiwan).
