Portada The Other Side of the Story

The Other Side of the Story

Publishing date:13/10/2021


Discover the truth behind the history you know

Do you think you know everything about what happened during Shackleton’s expedition to Antarctica or about the journey to the Moon? Did you know that a hallucinogenic herb grew on the Vatican hill or that one of the members of the music group ABBA has a Nazi past?

Many secrets, plots and intrigues await discovery. This book is a window to that secret world that hides behind the official version. Discover it!

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 13/10/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18015-78-6

Pages: 208

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


Every fact and every story has many faces, some known, some not. These are the ones that interest us, the ones that guard secrets and perhaps the truth, or at least another, different, less popular truth.