Publishing date:6/11/2014


A year ago, Josef Ajram reached rock bottom. He’d set himself the task of doing seven Ironman challenges in seven days on seven trough Canary Islands. He’d trained very hard and he knew he could do it but instead he stopped his bicycle: he wasn’t enjoying it anymore.

At the same time as Josef was at rock bottom, the crisis was savaging the Spanish economy and people’s jobs. Politicians and executives of major European companies kept on saying that the bottom had been reached, that things could only get better, that we’d done what we had to do and that the worst was over. In short: we were coming out of the crisis.   

But this isn’t a book that offers false hope. The message that the country can only get better from here is fine, but it’s strange to hear it coming from the people who got us into the mess in the first place. Have you come out of your crisis? What are you going to do to get out of it regardless of what our politicians are doing? Do you want to just follow the lead of an intangible, remote power?

Drawing on his experience as a sportsman and successful businessman, Josef Ajram teaches us the keys to regaining momentum and overcoming difficulties. Now is the time for you to get over the crisis, it’s time to get up off the mat, it’s time for success, let’s go for it! 

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 6/11/2014

ISBN: 978-84-15678-93-9

Pages: 136

Imprint: Alienta Editorial


Now’s the time to get up off the mat. It’s time for success, let’s go! 

From the author ofI Don’t Know Where the Limit is but I know Where it Isn’t which has sold over 40,000 copies.  

Can you just passively allow the waves to wash over you or can you surf above them and decide which way to go for yourself?