Portada Stock Market Operations Strategies
Portada Stock Market Operations Strategies

Stock Market Operations Strategies

Publishing date:19/05/2020


Discover the ultimate method to succeed in the stock market.

In 1999 Josef Ajram began to operate on the stock exchange where he developed his own style and philosophy, in addition to his own stock trading method -the Ajram Method-.

In these pages you will find all the keys to this method with which you can diversify your savings, obtain extra income or even become a trading professional, depending on your time availability and your personal goals. An eminently practical book in which, departing from the analysis of graphs and real examples, you will identify graphic and statistical patterns that are repeated over time in different companies, allowing you to take advantage of them to make profit.

However, this technical base would be impossible to apply without the necessary mental control and, therefore, the book also gets the collaboration of coach Salva Fernández; thanks to his advice you will discover the emotional part of trading in the stock market and learn to prevent your emotions from sabotaging your goals.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 19/05/2020

ISBN: 978-84-234-3138-0

Pages: 552

Imprint: Deusto



Vídeos sobre Stock Market Operations Strategies

Booktrailer «Estrategias de operativa bursátil» de Josef Ajram | Deusto