Portada Get Thin and Stay Thin

Get Thin and Stay Thin

Publishing date:24/01/2017


After several different trends involving diets that may have been effective but were terrible for your health (and very far from traditional Mediterranean cuisine) now more than ever the public needs a definitive, realistic, long term and, most importantly, healthy diet. Ángela Quintas presents a nutritional plan that goes much further. In contrast to miracle diets, Ángela’s method isn’t just effective in the short term, it is also realistic in the mid to long terms: it is 100% healthy, there is no rebound effect, and it teaches us how to eat well and understand the importance of proper nutrition. This book will help you to start to eat healthily today so you can achieve and maintain your ideal weight once and for all.


Highlights Get Thin and Stay Thin

The definitive nutritional plan for achieving and maintaining your ideal weight.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 24/01/2017

ISBN: 978-84-08-16518-7

Pages: 288

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Nutrimenti (Italy)



Vídeos sobre Get Thin and Stay Thin

Vídeo Las recetas de adelgaza para siempre