Portada The Secret Of Good Digestion
Portada The Secret Of Good Digestion

The Secret Of Good Digestion

Publishing date:9/01/2020


Learn to understand your body.

We sit down at the table, stick our fork into a piece of food, bring it to our lips, chew it, swallow it, and… then what?

We eat at least three times a day for our whole life, but we know almost nothing about what’s happening inside us when we ingest food. Consequently, we often fail to understand the way our body reacts to what we have eaten. Why are there things that sit well with us, and others that don’t? What is the relationship between what we eat and the illnesses we catch? What is our stomach telling us when it makes noise? Bad breath, migraines, abdominal swelling, allergies, obesity, and even depression may have their origin in bad digestion.

This book touches every relevant aspect of our digestive process, even that great unknown: our feces what they can tell us about our health. Understanding in a simple way the complexities of the intestine makes us more aware when it’s time for us decide what we will eat tomorrow to be healthier.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 9/01/2020

ISBN: 978-84-08-22166-1

Pages: 256

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Liaoning Science & Technology (China), Eksmo Publishing (Russia). 


Ángela Quintas is back with a book that explains step by step how the digestive system functions, its most common problems, and the direct relationship between eating well and living longer and better.


Vídeos sobre The Secret Of Good Digestion

El secreto de la buena digestión