Portada Happy
Portada Happy
Publishing date:7/11/2017


A fantastic blend of inspiration and awareness brings us close to happiness through a great voyage. With exceptional warmth, this book gives the reader the tools to reach happiness through wisdom that has built up in humanity over the course of the centuries all over the world. An open, vivid book that invites us to take a fascinating journey and gives us a thousand possibilities so that each one of us can find their own way to feel good.


The author undertakes her first journey through the lost civilizations of the world. What did the ancient Greeks or Romans do to feel better? She also submerges us in the heritage of love that has come down to us from the great poets, artists, scientists, and other wise people from our time, through whom we can learn to know ourselves better. Without forgetting the important life lessons we can learn as we move across the world: every part of the planet harbors wisdom, and learning it brings us different ways to improve our life, one day at a time.


Highlights Happy

In five seconds. In two hours. An entire life. In ancient China. In London. With your child. Alone. On a ship. At night. During the day. Timeless. Happiness, your own way.

International Editions

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Publishing date: 7/11/2017

ISBN: 978-84-233-5298-2

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Destino

Rights sold

Éditions Solar (France).
