Portada I Love You (Nearly Always)

I Love You (Nearly Always)

Publishing date:14/03/2017


Why one same characteristic of a person makes us like him/her and sometimes disturbs us?

Lolo and Rita are very different from each other. Accepting diversity is not always easy... But who said it would be?

A book for children and adults that invites to understand what makes us different, showing the magical effect of opposites...


Highlights I Love You (Nearly Always)

A book that explains the need to find an intermediate point between our personality and that of others to build sound and solid relationships.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 14/03/2017

ISBN: 978-84-08-16222-3

Pages: 22

Imprint: Timun Mas Infantil

Rights sold

Feltrinelli (Italy), Clavis (Holland), Quatre Fleuves (France), Templar (UK), Sterling (USA), Porto Editora (Portugal), Sino-Commercial Trading CO. (China).



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Te quiero (casi siempre)