Portada The Labyrinth of the Soul
Portada The Labyrinth of the Soul

The Labyrinth of the Soul

Publishing date:16/02/2016


Your soul has as many different faces, thoughts and feelings as it does states of being. They can be alive and luminous but also extremely dark. There are some that infuse you with determination and energy while others somehow take it away...

This book invites you to experience all these states on a journey through yourself; your emotions, thoughts and feelings, following the path of the labyrinth. A path that is as complex as it is exciting; unpredictable, but sure to be full of adventure, emotion and imagination.

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Publishing date: 16/02/2016

ISBN: 978-84-670-4697-7

Pages: 128

Imprint: Crossbooks

Rights sold

Feltrinelli (Italy), Quatre Fleuves (France), Forlaget Bolden (Denmark).


A journey through our emotions via Anna Llenas’ original illustrations.


Vídeos sobre The Labyrinth of the Soul

Laberinto del alma