Portada My Lame Diet
Publishing date:27/09/2016


Aitor García Sánchez presents a book that debunks myths about the food we eat every day. Who hasn’t heard, and repeated, phrases such as ‘Fat is bad for you’, ‘You need to eat fewer calories to lose weight’, ‘Breakfast is a key part of a healthy diet’ or ‘Eggs raise your cholesterol’?  In My Lame Diet, Aitor Sánchez debunks many of the myths related to food and explains what is true and what isn’t about the beliefs that often arise from a lack of real information, misleading advertising from the food industry and even social dogma.


Highlights My Lame Diet

The main objective is that the reader develop a critical awareness and learn more about the main concepts related to healthy nutrition.  

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Publishing date: 27/09/2016

ISBN: 978-84-493-3245-6

Pages: 240

Imprint: Ediciones Paidós



Vídeos sobre My Lame Diet

"Mi dieta cojea", de Aitor Sánchez. Mito 2

Otros vídeos

"Mi dieta cojea", de Aitor Sánchez. Mito 2

"Mi dieta cojea", de Aitor Sánchez. Mito 2

"Mi dieta cojea", de Aitor Sánchez. Mito 1

"Mi dieta cojea", de Aitor Sánchez. Mito 1