Portada Red Chalk

Red Chalk

Publishing date:8/09/2020


Seix Barral brings together all the stories of Isaac Rosa, an indispensable voice in contemporary Spanish literature.

The stories in Red Chalk are about contemporary issues in Spanish life in recent years, familiar tales that expand our understanding of the society we leave in. They include the biography of a person in invoices, the nostalgia of a man recently fired from the hotels that had become his home, the lives mothers and fathers live against the clock, and the routines of people who could be any of us. 

Red Chalk includes fifty stories organized following the sections of a newspaper in acknowledgement of their links to the press, where all of them appeared in recent years. Revised, expanded, and at times modified, they represent Isaac Rosa’s attempt to examine social questions, viewing them as universal dilemmas, but through a personal perspective that welcomes new readers into the debate.

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Publishing date: 8/09/2020

ISBN: 978-84-322-3674-7

Pages: 416

Imprint: Seix Barral
