Portada The Best Cheescakes

The Best Cheescakes

Publishing date:29/09/2021


The bible of the most irresistible cheesecakes

When you know you could survive on cheese, bread and wine alone, and cheesecakes are your favorite dessert, it will come as no surprise when I tell you that I cried with emotion when I was asked to write this book. I immediately began to make a mental index of all the recipes I wanted to include, which unfortunately soon exceeded the available space because I had been asked to only write one book, not a trilogy.

The truth is, the possibilities of cheesecakes are endless: with or without use of an oven, with or without a base, dense or light, more or less curdled, with or without jam, sweet or semi-savory. And each one of them deserves a whole book. A few years ago, the cheesecake from La Viña restaurant in San Sebastian became popular as the best cheesecake in Spain (and the recipe for which you will also find here), and from there it became known worldwide as the Basque Burnt Cheesecake and was chosen by the New York Times as the flavor of the year for 2021.

Cheesecakes have really boomed in recent years. And this book has something for everyone: from classic cheesecakes that admit any flavor and combination to recipes for the good old cheesecake you’ve known your entire life, individual versions or cheesecakes without the use of an oven, or a tour around the world featuring the most interesting versions of each country, cheesecake, käsekuchen, gâteau au fromage ... and also the new designer cheesecakes, each with its different and daring touch depending on the cheese mixtures with creamy versions, coulant type of almost liquid interiors.

Whether you're a cheese lover or have a sweet tooth, you're sure to find your cheesecake here.

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Publishing date: 29/09/2021

ISBN: 978-84-480-2882-4

Pages: 200

Imprint: Libros Cúpula
