Portada The Biology Of The Present
Portada The Biology Of The Present

The Biology Of The Present

Publishing date:10/03/2020


An invitation to stop surviving and start living.

There are two ways of living. From the biology of survival, when we reject what happens to us and refuse to live certain experiences. Or from the biology of the present, when we welcome everything life brings to us and approach our true nature as human beings.

Can you imagine an existence far from suffering and fear, that would accept all the situations life presents, even the most difficult ones, with curiosity and openness? Sergi Torres and David del Rosario invite us to stop surviving and start living, showing us that honesty in observing our thoughts and our organism is the key to enjoying the pleasure of living freely.


Highlights The Biology Of The Present

Learn to activate the "presence mode" and experience the pleasure of living.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 10/03/2020

ISBN: 978-84-18118-02-9

Pages: 208

Imprint: Diana

Rights sold

Portal Publishing (Russia).


A mind opener. The double scientific and spiritual perspective, in the manner of Eckhart Tolle or Bruce Lipton, invites us to honestly observe our mind and to question all that we have taken for granted regarding human experience.