Portada The Devil Was a Woman

The Devil Was a Woman

Publishing date:24/11/2021


An illustrated celebration of women’s empowerment in a world designed by and for men

From Lilith to the current femme fatal, passing through the most emblematic figures of art and cinema, Elena Gallén traces an unprecedented journey through the narrative around women. Dismantling one by one the clichés of the patriarchal story, the writer provides us with a more real and profound image of feminine nature. A vindication of the struggle to promote a new discourse that challenges the dominant misogyny and makes us freer. Sara Herranz’s evocative strokes accompany Gallén’s reflections and impregnate each page with symbolism and mystery.

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Publishing date: 24/11/2021

ISBN: 978-84-18820-11-3

Pages: 200

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores
