Portada The Wrong Person
Portada The Wrong Person

The Wrong Person

Publishing date:28/11/2017


Sara Herranz returns to familiar territory in a story that is bound to thrill her fans: a relationship told through surprising and contrasting points of view. Different perspectives on the same events and powerful emotions... what can two such apparently different people have in common? They’re both looking for the same thing: to love and be in love.   

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 28/11/2017

ISBN: 978-84-16890-42-2

Pages: 224

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


This new project is a natural evolution of her style: the characters are more sophisticated, the plot more developed and it features new colours and graphic elements. 


Vídeos sobre The Wrong Person

"La persona incorrecta", de Sara Herranz

Otros vídeos

"La persona incorrecta", de Sara Herranz

"La persona incorrecta", de Sara Herranz

Booktrailer La persona incorrecta

Booktrailer La persona incorrecta