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Portada The Innocent
Portada The Innocent

The Innocent

Publishing date:13/09/2023


Danger is a racing pulse that never dies down.

There are two weeks left until Lieutenant Valentina Redondo and Oliver Gordon’s wedding. In the midst of preparations, they are surprised by the news of a massive attack a famous spa resort. Everything points to the massacre being perpetrated with a highly dangerous chemical weapon. Valentina will have to cooperate with the army and a UCO team to solve the crime. 

Soon, they will discover that a cunning and cruel mastermind has set in motion an infallible machinery, executing each of their moves with extraordinary coldness, clearly challenging the intelligence and deductive skills of Valentina and the reader alike. Lieutenant Redondo will start to doubt the steps she must take because suspicions will soon fall upon someone she has never seen, but deep down, feels she knows.

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Publishing date: 13/09/2023

ISBN: 978-84-233-6384-1

Pages: 464

Imprint: Ediciones Destino



Vídeos sobre The Innocent

Los inocentes, María Oruña