Portada The Magic of Barça

The Magic of Barça

  • Clea Datura
Publishing date:11/01/2023


Stars and Symbols of the Blaugrana Universe.

A book of tales and anecdotes about the star that has shined on the club since its beginnings and its link to the prosperity and art of the city of Barcelona.

You will discover connections between milestones in the team’s evolution and the history of the 20th century, both official and hidden.

There is information on the club’s locations, key dates, curious stories about irrational beliefs, and a route through the team’s magical places.

Did you know that Barça has had freemasons on its roster?

What relationship do you think might have existed between Gaudí and Barça? What do tarot cards say about this great team?

What do the Western astrological chart, the Chinese horoscope, and others say about Barça’s future?

What is the meaning of the blue and garnet colors?

What relationship might the club’s name have with numerology?

In this book you will find surprising answers to these and other questions.


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Publishing date: 11/01/2023

ISBN: 978-84-19164-26-1

Pages: 192

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga
