Portada Write Your Reality without Asking for Permission

Write Your Reality without Asking for Permission

  • Clea Datura
Publishing date:3/05/2023


Learn to create your own spells, terms, rituals and sigils. Magic reveals what each person doesn’t know they know.

Magical words are important and powerful in both ancient traditions and the present. In this book, you will find spells, rituals, prayers and poems that will help you enhance your power. You will discover the language of dreams, the benefits of heeding your intuition, the insights of alchemy and what the signs of the zodiac convey. You will learn magic words and about the emotions associated with the planets.

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Publishing date: 3/05/2023

ISBN: 978-84-19164-64-3

Pages: 216

Imprint: Ediciones Luciérnaga


The book is composed of short, readable chapters with numerous tips and practical applications of verbal magic.

A practical, informative book of white magic that includes short stories about the most famous magic words in the world, as well as tricks and instructions for creating personalized terms.

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