Portada The Redbrick House
Portada The Redbrick House

The Redbrick House

Publishing date:26/04/2018


The return of the most stylish feel-good author in the Spanish language.

Tony and Estela share a passion for books and literature and set out on their careers as bohemian writers in the 1960s. It will be Estela, though, the one to achieve recognition and get close to winning the Nobel Prize, which will make her a living legend of Spanish letters. Many years later, the journalist Maya Millás decides to write Estela’s biography to shed light on the many obscure points of her life: why did she retire when she was at the peak of her glory? Would it be true that she had written only just one novel? What was the cause of her estrangement from her intimate friend Tony?


Highlights The Redbrick House

WARNING: This novel may alter your pessimistic perception of reality!

International Editions

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Publishing date: 26/04/2018

ISBN: 978-84-670-5111-7

Pages: 328

Imprint: Espasa

Rights sold

Hermes (Bulgaria), Thiele (Germany).


The return of the most stylish feel-good author in the Spanish language.