Portada The Shapes of Love
Portada The Shapes of Love

The Shapes of Love

Publishing date:2/02/2022


When life comes to a sudden halt, it's time to reflect and remember. That’s how Noray feels when her grandparents Carmen and Tomás die unexpectedly. After their funeral, unable to cope with the absence of those who taught her the many forms of love, she holes up in the small-town family home where she grew up and was happy. There she takes refuge in words and decides to finally write the novel she’s been putting off for years: the story of her family, linked to that of a country too afraid to confront the past, from the civil war to democracy. Through writing, Noray will evoke the lives of those who made hers possible and deal with her worst fears in her quest to figure out who she is.

Unbeknownst to her, this novel will reach Ismael, the love of her life, who will read it in a hospital bed, and the conclusion of the story will forever change both of their destinies.


Highlights The Shapes of Love

Winner of the 2022 Nadal Prize.

A story that explores, through a lifetime of family memories, the different forms love can take.

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Technical data

Publishing date: 2/02/2022

ISBN: 978-84-233-6089-5

Pages: 408

Imprint: Ediciones Destino

Rights sold

Dokaz (Serbia).



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