Portada The Transformation of Johanna Sansíleri

The Transformation of Johanna Sansíleri

Publishing date:11/03/2014


After the death of her husband, Johanna Sansíleri discovers that Augusto was leading a double life. Every Monday, after spending the weekend with her, under the pretext of work, he spent five days in Madrid with another woman. It was a parallel marriage of over fifteen years about which Johanna didn’t suspect a thing.

The surprise is especially great because all her family and friends saw Augusto as a grey, dull man while Johanna was intelligent, pretty, refi ned, original and unpredictable. After spending some days re-evaluating her life after Augusto’s secret comes to light, she decides to visit her husband’s other wife.

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Publishing date: 11/03/2014

ISBN: 978-84-233-4789-6

Pages: 256

Imprint: Ediciones Destino


“In Álvaro Pombo, literary readers found a unique kind of writer many years ago.” JORDI GRACIA, Babelia.

Controversial, brilliant and profoundly human, Pombo is always a sure thing for readers who require exacting, contemporary reads. A major author in contemporary Spanish fiction. With the vivacious beauty of the tropics as a backdrop, Javier Moro tells the epic story of the birth of the largest country in South America in prodigious detail.

“One of the most extravagant, audacious and lucid talents in contemporary literature.” JUAN A. MASOLIVER RÓDENAS, La Vanguardia.