Portada Thirst
Portada Thirst
Publishing date:18/10/2016


Two voices facing up to the onset of maturity, the beginning of the slow process of the disintegration of the body. With all its tremors and contradictions, a gradual plunge into the deepest form of emptiness. Thirst is the fractured lament of a woman who returns to the space where she is utterly free to confront serious issues and dissatisfying times, a woman who feels every bump along the way but manages to overcome each new threat. Thirst is the reconstruction of a story: our own.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 18/10/2016

ISBN: 978-84-16489-85-5

Pages: 344

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores


Thirst  is an earthquake, a disturbance, the origin of light.


Vídeos sobre Thirst

"La Sed", de Paula Bonet