Portada What to Do When "The End" Appears On Screen

What to Do When "The End" Appears On Screen

Publishing date:6/03/2014


This is a book about unexpected endings, the kind that tear us in two, linger on for years and maybe longer because we’re confusing pride with nostalgia. So we take trains, reserve hotel rooms in remote villages, and live with our eyes glued to the screen waiting for the next move, the one that will finally present us with the ending that we’ve been seeking all these years. But that ending never comes. And suddenly one day we wake up and feel the void: THE END is up there on the screen and we have to embark upon another story, one in which we never have to pretend that we don’t know one another.


Highlights What to Do When "The End" Appears On Screen

Over 10,000 copies sold in the first three months

“It will capture you. It will surprise you. It will seduce you.”

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Publishing date: 6/03/2014

ISBN: 978-84-15888-50-5

Pages: 200

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

Rights sold

Readysetgo (Korea)



Vídeos sobre What to Do When "The End" Appears On Screen

'Qué hacer cuando en la pantalla aparece THE END', de Paula Bonet