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Portada Where Everything Shines
Portada Where Everything Shines

Where Everything Shines

Publishing date:22/03/2023


What if the only thing we needed to be happy was to discover how the untouchable shines?

Nicki Aldrich and River Jackson have been inseparable ever since they arrived into the world forty-seven minutes apart. She did it covered in pixie dust, he as if he were a flaming meteor. The small coastal town where they grew up became the backdrop for their bike rides, their afternoons in the treehouse, and their first loves, secrets and doubts.

However, during high school their different personalities separate them. While River becomes a popular boy, whose happiness is contagious to everyone, Nicki struggles to leave behind childhood fantasies and can’t make friends. When she realizes that she feels more than fraternal love for River, she forces herself to get over it. By the end of high school, Nicki is dating another boy, and River has begun to see the magnetic shine of his friend. Their love seems to be condemned to failure, but perhaps by discovering who they really are, will be able to intertwined their paths again.

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Technical data

Publishing date: 22/03/2023

ISBN: 978-84-08-26928-1

Pages: 592

Imprint: Editorial Planeta

Rights sold

Presença (Portugal).

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Planeta Brasil (Brazil), Egmont (Bulgaria), Dobrovsky (Czech Republic), Hachette (France), Mondadori (Italy), Media Rodzina (Poland), Litera (Romania), Mann, Ivanov and Ferber (Russia), SourceBooks (USA), Heyne (Germany).
