Retrato de  Agustín Fernández Mallo

Agustín Fernández Mallo

Agustín Fernández Mallo has a degree in Physics. In 2000, he coined the term Poetry Pospoética –investigates the connections between art and science–, whose proposal has been reflected in the poems Yo siempre regreso a los pezones y al punto 7 del Tractatus (2001), Creta lateral Travelling (2004 ) and the poetry-performance Joan Fontaine Odisea [mi deconstrucción] (2005). In 2007, he was awarded with the Ciudad de Burgos Prize for Poetry for his book Carne de Píxel. His book Postpoesía was a finalist of Anagrama Essay Award 2009. In 2006, he published his first novel, Nocilla Dream (translated into several languages). Critics and audiences have agreed with the importance of the Nocilla Project for Spanish literature. Nocilla Experience is the second book of the trilogy, concluding on Nocilla Lab.