Portada Better Manolo

Better Manolo

Publishing date:8/11/2012


The celebrated Manolito Four-Eyes returns with a new chapter in the series crowned with the National Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature.

The world has changed in these ten years, and Manolito has grown. Through these pages pass all those characters who have cast their glow on the series: his mother, Cata, his father, Manolo, his grandfather, Nicolás, his little brother, “the Bozo” now dethroned by his baby sister “Chirli,” Miss Asunción, Big-Ears, Jihad the braggart… Manolito Four-Eyes’s inimitable perspective lights up our reality (and that of the world) with the same perceptiveness and irony as ever.

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Publishing date: 8/11/2012

ISBN: 978-84-322-1456-1

Pages: 192

Imprint: Seix Barral



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