Portada Dirty Laundry

Dirty Laundry

Publishing date:30/04/2013


The fourth book, which received the National Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature. In this edition, Manolito falls in love and the Imbecile gets lost in Carabanchel (Alto) dressed as Superman.

According to Manolito Four-Eyes, if you want to write an autobiography, you have to be brave, drag out all the dirty laundry, and be ready to show both sides (not only the good one) of yourself and your family, even if it damages your image. But, as Manolito will figure out the hard way, the truth isn’t so easy to find. Sometimes we have unfounded illusions, other times we get so confused we don’t know if we’re awake or dreaming. What’s certain, though, is that Dirty Laundry received the National Prize for Children’s and Young Adult Literature in 1998.


Highlights Dirty Laundry

“The extraordinary thing about Manolo is that we find in him not only traces of the heroes of children’s and young adult classics all over the world, but also of the greats of adult literature.” El País. 

“One of those writers who seem to slip into the characters’ bodies naturally, while always keeping her feet on the ground. With an attentive ear attuned to the rhythms of the street, she works wonders with language, with the psychology of children, and with the views of everyday people.” Jesús Ruiz Mantilla, Babelia.

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 30/04/2013

ISBN: 978-84-322-1495-0

Pages: 224

Imprint: Seix Barral

Rights sold

AlAhlia (Arabic), Can Sanat Yayinlari (Turkey).
