Portada Me and the Bozo

Me and the Bozo

Publishing date:11/02/2014


Manolito’s grandfather is getting a prostate operation, and without further ado, Manolito and the Bozo find themselves “abandoned” on their downstairs neighbor Luisa’s doorstep. Once the initial scare is over, Luisa decides to buy them clothing, comb their hair, and leave them like new. But this makeover doesn’t fool anyone, and soon enough, they are up to their neck in trouble. But even if he doesn’t know how to read or write, the Imbecile has a knack––and a big heart, to boot: when he sees someone suffer, he’s the first one to share his pacifier and bring the story to a happy end.

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Publishing date: 11/02/2014

ISBN: 978-84-322-1497-4

Pages: 280

Imprint: Seix Barral

Rights sold

AlAhlia (Arabic), Can Sanat Yayinlari (Turkey).
