Portada Everything Will Turn Out Fine (Sometimes)
Portada Everything Will Turn Out Fine (Sometimes)

Everything Will Turn Out Fine (Sometimes)

Publishing date:14/09/2022


With the sensitivity and lucidity so typical of his language, René Merino decides to share his personal story of anxiety and mental health problems. After a period of anguish triggered by the loss of his job, the author enters a spiral of symptoms (anxiety, insomnia, panic attacks...) that render him unable to continue with his usual routine: one of those moments in life when a person “breaks down”. René fights his illness and his prejudices and he finally seeks professional help... and starts to recover. In doing so, he opens our eyes to our preconceived ideas and takes us on an emotional journey towards healing that many of us will see ourselves reflected in.

René Merino shares without taboos how he overcame his mental health problems.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 14/09/2022

ISBN: 978-84-18820-73-1

Pages: 112

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

Rights sold

Neo Cogito Exchange (China), Titan Publishing (Taiwan).
