Portada It's Bad, But It Can Get Worse

It's Bad, But It Can Get Worse

Publishing date:17/09/2020


Together with a new and talented generation of comic authors, René Merino has put his foot down to gather the testimony of the greats of the past and conquer millennials. Through intimate themes, but also with political and social subjects, he connects with young people, who identify themselves with his humor, his sensitivity, and his reflections on his generation’s day-to-day life.


Highlights It's Bad, But It Can Get Worse

Little droplets of daily philosophy, seasoned with lots of silly laughter, which will brighten our day and make us reflect on how absurd and contradictory human nature is.

International Editions

Technical Data

Technical data

Publishing date: 17/09/2020

ISBN: 978-84-17858-85-8

Pages: 192

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores

Rights sold

Neo Cogito Exchange (China), Titan Publishing (Taiwan).
