Portada The Legacy of Catherine Elliot

The Legacy of Catherine Elliot

Publishing date:23/10/2018


A book unites the lives of many women and transforms them forever. The story begins with the woman who wrote it: a 19th century writer... Jane Austen, one of the Brontë sisters, Mary Louise Alcott? We don’t know.... The first printed volume of this mysterious text will be passed on to different women for different reasons: one will inherit it, another will be taught to read with it, one will buy it and take it to be restored, etc... Until it reaches the present.

Every woman who comes into contact with it, reads it and it changes all of them in some way. Until we ourselves discover that we are part of this chain of readers, we are united to these characters by the same fascination for well-told stories. A metaphor for the love of books and the magic of literature told through the lives of strong and charismatic female characters.


Highlights The Legacy of Catherine Elliot

A wonderful vindication of the magic of books and the role of women throughout history.

An inspiring and thrilling work of fiction for all ages.

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Publishing date: 23/10/2018

ISBN: 978-84-16890-87-3

Pages: 216

Imprint: Lunwerg Editores



Vídeos sobre The Legacy of Catherine Elliot

"El legado de Catherine Elliot" de Gemma Camblor y Esther Gili